viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

Physical Therapy

Heyyyy there!
From the computer lab writing again a post related with goals and challenges that my field or discipline (Physical Therapy) is currently facing.
First of all Physical therapy is a profession well established and regulated whose aim is to offer certain services to people in order to help them develop, restore or maintain a maximum ability in their movement during a lifetime.
Physical therapy also deals with those situations in which function and movement are threatened by the aging process, injuries, environmental factors or disease.To accomplish it’s goals, physical therapy workers pursue the following objectives: promotion of well being and health, emphasizing the importance of physical activity; prevention of disabilities and limitations due to various factors; intervention and treatment provision; modification of the access and barriers to different places/areas for those who are physically impaired, in order to ensure everybody’s participation in their social/community roles fully and, as much as possible, normally. All these processes take place in a variety of settings designed to serve these specific purposes, such as: hospitals, hospices, health centers, educational and research establishments, individual homes, out-patient clinics, nursing homes, private offices/clinics/practices, occupational health centers, fitness clubs, etc.
Technology is not usually found in physical therapy education curricula, although lately in our current diagram curriculum, new by the way (because of the curriculum innovation) is being incorporated.
With the advent of the various Internet social networking mediums on the world wide web such as Facebook , MySpace , and a host of others combined with other communication tools such as blogs, Twitter , Friendfeed and others, the challenge for any professional or in this case physical therapists is to find a way to effectively use these tools to promote their practice and communicate with their patients and/or clients.
Therapeutic technology has been very successful in treatments for new and old diseases. Thanks to different people that constantly is thinking about how improve treatments and people’s lives ,new tools and machines were developed like ultrasound, electrodes that the physical therapist put in different parts of your body that discharge electric shocks making muscle contraction or machines that measure your blood pressure, haemoglobin saturation,etc etc.
From it’s origin, physical therapy has improved a lot and I hope with new generations this improvement will be major.
Thanks and Bye!

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