viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

My Faculty

Hey guys!!! Today I have to talk about the current situation in my faculty.
Well, most of the people like this faculty, it has beautiful places where you can study, have fun, spend some time sleeping or just hanging out with your friends. It’s pretty big and that’s why sometimes you are discovering new places every day. Although I like it, it has some things that need improvement, like the soccer field where it’s impossible to end a match without hurting your feet or with your soccer shoes in the same shape as they were before the game. Maybe remodelling the soccer field would help so we won’t have those problems again. Another example could be the gym that it’s a kind of small, the locker room is not clean enough and there aren’t enough showers.
If the coffee shop was bigger maybe it would have more students in it, but it’s a little uncomfortable to be in. The bathrooms are pretty good but they could be better.
The computers in this faculty are veryyyyyyy slow so if you need something in a short period of time from a computer. You don’t need to bother trying to get it in this faculty. Usually the students bring their lap-tops and work on them.
Some structures in this faculty are really ugly; they need to be repaired like the building near the climbing wall for example.
Well I think this is it, like the Michael Jackson movie jaja see ya next week
Take care

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